Showing posts with label Samsung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samsung. Show all posts

Rekomendasi Tablet 2 Jutaan

Hai sobat kembali lagi di Devix Channel, video kali ini aku mau membahas beberapa tablet di harga 2 jutaan.

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2. HUAWEI MatePad SE 10,4 inci
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3. Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite
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Backsound : 8th World Wonder - RKVC

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Unboxing Smartphone Samsung Galaxy M23 5G

Hai sobat kembali lagi di Devix Channel, video kali ini aku mau unboxing salah satu Smartphone dari Samsung yaitu tipe Galaxy M23 5G, ada beberapa fitur yang menarik menurutku, yang pertama layar Super Smooth 120Hz memberikan performa scrolling yang super halus, yang kedua kontrol suara dengan mode mikrofon yang dapat diatur untuk mengurangi kebisingan sehingga suara yang dihasilkan jelas, atau pengaturan All Sound yang memberikan ambience dari lingkungan sekitar sehingga orang lain dapat ikut merasakannya, dan yang ketiga Kamera Makro 2MP yang dapat menangkap subjek foto lebih dekat.

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Backsound : Lifelong - Anno Domini Beats

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Unboxing LED Monitor Samsung SR35

Hai sobat kembali lagi di Teknologi Receh, video kali ini aku mau unboxing salah satu monitor LED Full HD 24 inch dari samsung yaitu SR35, aku dapat di harga 2.040.000, cocok buat kalian yang mencari monitor LED untuk kebutuhan multimedia tetapi dengan harga yang terjangkau.

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Backsound : Better - Anno Domini Beats

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Rekomendasi smartwatch terbaru

1. Garmin Instinct Solar

Rekomendasi smartwatch terbaru, Garmin Instinct Solar, Samsung Galaxy Watch 3, Apple Watch Series 6

Instinct adalah smartwatch GPS yang dibuat untuk mendobrak kebiasaan dan menaklukkan setiap elemen dalam waktu yang lebih lama.

Case polimer yang diperkuat serat secara sintetis, Corning® Gorilla® glass anti-gores, dan pengisian daya menggunakan tenaga surya menciptakan jam tangan yang dapat bertahan di segala kondisi.

Warna-warna berani, tampilan kontras tinggi, dan desain yang dirancang secara khusus, menghidupkan jam tangan non-tradisional ini yang selalu membawa decak kagum di setiap tampilannya.

Bergantung pada sinar matahari, Instinct dapat menawarkan masa pakai baterai yang lebih lama untuk mereka yang berpetualang di bawah sinar matahari.

Instinct dirancang sesuai standar militer AS 810G untuk ketahanan termal, kejut, dan air (diberi peringkat hingga 100 meter).

Lihat bagaimana berbagai pengaturan dan sensor memengaruhi masa pakai baterai jam tangan Anda, sehingga Anda dapat membuat perubahan yang memperpanjang baterai dengan cepat.

Gunakan profil aktivitas bawaan untuk selancar, renang, lari, bersepeda, mendaki, mendayung, latihan kekuatan, dan lainnya.

Dapatkan data1 dan peringatan denyut jantung jika denyut jantung Anda terlalu tinggi atau rendah ketika Anda sedang istirahat.Ukur seberapa keras jantung Anda bekerja selama aktivitas, termasuk ketika berada di bawah air.

Untuk aklimasi ketinggian atau pemantauan tidur, sensor Pulse Ox 2menggunakan cahaya di pergelangan tangan Anda untuk mengukur seberapa baik tubuh Anda menyerap oksigen.

Variabilitas denyut jantung digunakan untuk menghitung skor stres Anda, sehingga Anda dapat mengetahui apakah hari yang Anda lalui tenang, seimbang atau stres.

Optimalkan cadangan energi tubuh Anda, menggunakan variabilitas detak jantung, stres, tidur dan data lainnya untuk mengukur kapan Anda siap untuk aktif atau ketika Anda mungkin perlu istirahat.

Dapatkan akses beragam sistem satelit navigasi global (GPS, GLONASS dan Galileo) untuk melacak di lingkungan yang lebih menantang dibandingkan menggunakan GPS saja.

Navigasi jejak Anda berikutnya dengan sensor ABC, termasuk altimeter untuk data ketinggian, barometer untuk memantau cuaca dan kompas elektronik 3-sumbu.

Mudahkan perjalanan pulang Anda dengan fitur ini untuk menavigasi rute yang sama kembali ke titik awal Anda.

Terima email, teks, dan peringatan tepat di jam tangan Anda ketika dipasangkan dengan perangkat yang kompatibel.

Hubungkan Instinct dengan perangkat inReach (dijual terpisah; diperlukan langganan satelit) untuk melihat dan mengirim pesan, mendapatkan peringatan cuaca, dan memicu SOS ke regu tanggap darurat 24/7 GEOS.

Lihat rencana Anda hari ini dengan mudah lewat layar kalender khusus.

2. Samsung Galaxy Watch 3

Rekomendasi smartwatch terbaru, Garmin Instinct Solar, Samsung Galaxy Watch 3, Apple Watch Series 6

Pilih dua ukuran, 45mm atau 41mm, masing-masing dengan wajah yang mungkin tidak akan cepat Anda lupakan. Tersedia dalam warna Mystic Black, Mystic Silver, dan Mystic Bronze kelas atas, diagram penuh gaya ini diuraikan dalam bezel berputar khusus untuk tampilan yang bekerja sepanjang waktu.

Diuraikan dalam bezel berputar yang halus, lebih mudah untuk melihat dan fokus pada hal-hal dengan layar yang lebih tinggi. Galaxy Watch3 lebih tipis dan lebih kecil, namun sekitar 15% lebih ringan dengan tampilan canggih yang terbaik untuk pergelangan tangan Anda dengan bingkai yang lebih ramping.

Diagram Galaxy Watch3 dipoles dengan tali berbasis kulit asli kelas atas. Berbasis kulit tua menciptakan tampilan alami, dan saat Anda membaliknya, lihat berbasis kulit berlapis yang melindungi dari perubahan warna.

Tanda tangan lengkap Galaxy Watch3 tampaknya memiliki jumlah tampilan jam tangan terbesar untuk dipilih, semuanya cocok dengan bodinya yang halus. Buat data pribadi Anda dengan lebih dari empat puluh kerumitan, dan lihat data bermanfaat yang Anda inginkan dalam sekejap sambil dengan mudah memiliki akses ke aplikasi pilihan Anda.

Ringan dan tangguh, manekin titanium pertama Galaxy dibuat dengan hati-hati untuk setiap tempat kerja dan setelahnya. Dari tampilan jam hingga kemasan, Galaxy Watch3 Titanium memiliki tampilan serba hitam dan dilengkapi dengan Gelang Tautan, yang menawarkan gadget pengunci yang cerdas hingga bentuk pergelangan tangan Anda tanpa kesulitan.

Periksa tekanan darah Anda melalui Aplikasi Samsung Health Monitor tanpa perlu diborgol secara teratur. Sebelum digunakan pertama kali cukup kalibrasi dengan manset, kemudian sensor pintar mengukur tekanan darah Anda melalui analisis gelombang nadi saat Anda memakainya. Periksa setiap hari untuk melacak tren dan mendapatkan laporan langsung di ponsel Anda.

Sentuh tombol kembali jam tangan hingga 30 detik agar sensor elektroda internal mengukur ritme jantung koroner Anda. EKG ini saat bepergian memeriksa fibrilasi atrium (Afib), lalu menunjukkan pengukuran Anda secara sekilas. Lihat hasil dari waktu ke waktu dari ponsel Anda, dapatkan laporannya, dan bagikan untuk wawasan yang lebih luas.

Dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 120 program latihan di rumah untuk dipilih, Galaxy Watch3 membantu Anda menggerakkan tubuh sesuai waktu Anda. Pilih dari ponsel Anda dan transmisikan ke TV - saat Anda berolahraga, detak jantung Anda akan ditampilkan secara real time. Gunakan Ridge Sport Band untuk statistik yang lebih akurat.

Panduan lari Galaxy Watch3 memungkinkan Anda mengimbangi saat Anda mendapatkan tip saat bepergian. Algoritme tingkat lanjut menganalisis cara Anda bergerak untuk membantu meningkatkan bentuk dan mencegah cedera. Anda bahkan dapat mengukur nilai VO2 max dan mengikuti kinerja harian, mingguan, dan bulanan Anda langsung dari ponsel Anda.

Saat Anda mendapatkan teks baru, Galaxy Watch3 menampilkan riwayat obrolan Anda sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah mengikuti percakapan. Anda juga dapat melihat gambar tanpa ketukan ekstra, sehingga lebih mudah untuk menjaga suasana hati saat sedang berlari.

Tetap terhubung dengan orang lain bahkan saat dalam perjalanan - dan jangan meraba-raba untuk membalas. Balasan pintar Galaxy Watch3 menganalisis teks dan gambar yang Anda peroleh dan menawarkan balasan yang disarankan, membantu kelas tertentu yang terdiri dari makanan, perayaan, selfie, dan banyak lagi.

Stiker Bitmoji membuka metode baru yang menyenangkan untuk berkomunikasi. Personalisasikan Bitmoji Anda agar tampil seperti Anda dan gunakan stiker Bitmoji untuk meramaikan cara Anda berdiskusi dengan teman dan keluarga.

Lagu Anda tidak akan berakhir saat Anda berpindah dari satu sistem ke sistem lainnya. Putar Spotify di Galaxy Note20 Anda, lalu buka dengan ikon aplikasi Spotify di bagian depan arloji Anda untuk dengan mudah menukar lagu dari Galaxy Watch3 Anda. Atau Anda bahkan dapat menyentuh dan menahan Galaxy Buds Live untuk menikmati musik.

Kumpulkan tim Galaxy Apps untuk bergabung dengan Anda dan ponsel Anda sehari-hari. Temukan ponsel Anda dan lihat foto ponsel Anda dari jam tangan, atau beralih antar perangkat untuk mengontrol musik dan memeriksa pengingat. Mitra yang sempurna ada di pergelangan tangan Anda.

Keluar untuk pengalaman baru tanpa beban ponsel Anda. Anda masih dapat menelepon, streaming, dan memeriksa langkah Anda - semuanya dari jam tangan Anda. Putuskan sambungan dari telepon Anda, sambil tetap terhubung dengan kehidupan.

Cukup gabung Galaxy Watch3 ke gadget Galaxy yang Anda sukai melalui akun Samsung Cloud Anda. Saat Anda pergi bekerja atau berolahraga, cepat dan nyaman untuk beralih dari jam tangan ke Galaxy Note20, atau dari jam tangan ke Galaxy Buds Live melalui Bluetooth.

Galaxy Watch3 kompatibel dan dapat dengan mudah terhubung dengan berbagai perangkat Galaxy dan non-Galaxy.

3. Apple Watch Series 6

Rekomendasi smartwatch terbaru, Garmin Instinct Solar, Samsung Galaxy Watch 3, Apple Watch Series 6

Ukur kadar oksigen dalam darah Anda dengan sensor dan aplikasi baru yang revolusioner. Lihat metrik kebugaran Anda dalam sekilas dengan layar Retina Selalu Aktif yang disempurnakan. Dengan Apple Watch Series 6 pada pergelangan, Anda bisa menikmati hidup yang lebih sehat, aktif, dan terhubung dengan mudah.

Detak jantung tinggi atau rendah yang tidak biasa dapat menjadi pertanda kondisi yang serius. Namun banyak orang tidak mengenali gejalanya, sehingga penyebab yang mendasarinya sering kali tidak terdiagnosis. Dengan pemberitahuan di aplikasi Detak Jantung, Apple Watch Series 6 dapat memantau jantung Anda dan memberi tahu jika detaknya tidak biasa — jadi Anda bisa mengambil tindakan dan berkonsultasi dengan dokter.

Tidur yang cukup penting bagi kesehatan secara menyeluruh. Aplikasi Tidur yang baru membantu Anda menciptakan rutinitas waktu tidur yang teratur dan melacak tren tidur Anda setiap malam. Jadi Anda bisa menetapkan dan meraih target tidur Anda.

Data adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk tetap bugar. Dapatkan inspirasi untuk terus bergerak dan memantau metrik olahraga Anda secara lebih tepat dibanding sebelumnya — saat berenang, di gym, atau di jalan. Series 6, Apple Watch terbaik. Untuk membantu Anda mencapai performa maksimal.

  • Musik dan Podcast Dengarkan apa pun yang memotivasi Anda bergerak. Termasuk 70 juta lagu di Apple Music.2
  • Lingkaran Aktivitas. Tingkatkan motivasi untuk lebih sedikit duduk, lebih banyak bergerak, dan berolahraga. Hari demi hari.
  • Berbagi Aktivitas. Bagikan Lingkaran aktivitas Anda dengan teman dan keluarga agar dapat saling menyemangati.
  • Kompetisi. Undang teman-teman untuk berkompetisi dalam tantangan Aktivitas tujuh hari.

Warna (PRODUCT)RED dan biru yang baru melengkapi jajaran casing aluminium daur ulang 100 persen kami.

Layar Retina yang Selalu Aktif kini jauh lebih terang di luar ruang ketika pergelangan Anda tak terangkat. Jadi Anda bisa melihat semua informasi pada wajah jam Anda dengan lebih mudah — tanpa perlu mengangkat pergelangan untuk mengaktifkan jam Anda.

Pilih dari berbagai wajah jam yang baru, lalu ubah tampilannya sesuai suasana hati, gaya, atau aktivitas favorit Anda — dan Anda akan memiliki wajah jam yang benar‑benar mencerminkan diri Anda.

Dengan Apple Watch Series 6 dan iPhone, Anda dapat terus berada bersama orang-orang dan berbagai hal yang penting bagi Anda, ke mana pun Anda melangkah.

Rekomendasi portable SSD

1. Seagate Ultra Touch

Rekomendasi portable SSD, hardisk external SSD, Seagate Ultra Touch, Samsung Portable SSD T5, HP Portable SSD P600

Android Ready and Styled Right
Swift, small, and featuring Seagate’s Android backup app, Ultra Touch SSD is the ultimate external SSD for storing photos, videos, and music from your mobile device.
USB-C, USB 3.0 compatible with Android devices, Mac and Windows
Ultra portability with this lightweight, credit card-size external SSD
Transfer files in seconds with SSD speed
Sync Plus software helps make file transfers quick and simple

Outfitted for Android
Backup your Android’s videos, photos, and more—plus free up extra space on your device! Featuring USB-C connectivity and our new Android backup app (free for download via the Google Play Store), transfers are quick and easy. Ultra Touch SSD is perfect for taking your content on the go.

USB-C, USB 3.0 Ready
Selecting an external SSD that makes a quick connection to your preferred interface is easy. With both USB-C and USB 3.0 compatibility, your Ultra Touch drive works interchangeably with Android™, Windows® and Mac® out of the box (reformatting may be required for use with Time Machine).

Convenient Backup
Maybe you’re diligent about backup. Maybe you’re a pro at putting it off until tomorrow. Whatever your style, Ultra Touch SSD offers an array of easy-to-use software tools.
Back up on demand with one click.
Schedule automatic hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly backups.
Mirror folders for seamless file management.

Organize Your Memories with Mylio Create
Photos add up and scatter pretty easily, wouldn’t you say?
Put the puzzle pieces back together with a one-year complimentary subscription to Mylio Create, an intuitive yet powerful app that helps you organize photos and create a life calendar of your memories, all while having the freedom to protect, edit, share, and sync them across multiple devices. This is your world—manage it beautifully.

Edit Photos with Adobe Creative Cloud
Easily edit, organize, store, and share your full-resolution photos from anywhere with a two-month complimentary membership to Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan.2 Edit photos with the powerful and easy-to-use interface of Lightroom CC and combine images into rich, multilayered artwork with Photoshop CC.

2. Samsung Portable SSD T5

Rekomendasi portable SSD, hardisk external SSD, Seagate Ultra Touch, Samsung Portable SSD T5, HP Portable SSD P600

Storage Made New
The Samsung Portable SSD T5 elevates data transfer speeds to the next level and unleashes a new experience in external storage. With a compact and durable design and password protection, the T5 is truly easy to carry and stores data securely.

Fast transfer speeds
With Samsung V-NAND flash memory and a USB 3.1 Gen 2 interface, the T5 provides transfer speeds of up to 540 MB/s*, that’s up to 4.9x faster than external HDDs**. Transfers and backups of large-sized data including 4K videos and high-resolution photos will be much quicker and faster.

Metal minimalism
The top to bottom metal design and rounded unibody fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. The T5 comes in four distinct aluminum finishes - an alluring blue for 250 GB and 500 GB models, a deep black for 1 TB and 2 TB models and gold & red for 500GB & 1TB models.

Compact and light
Smaller than the average business card, weighing just 51 grams, and only 10.5 mm thick. The compact, light and slim T5 is the perfect portable storage.

Solid inside and out
Stay worry-free. The T5 has no moving parts and a sturdy metal body, so it can handle drops of up to 2 meters*. The optional password protection with AES 256-bit hardware encryption keeps your personal and private data more secure*. It’s all confidently backed by a 3-year limited warranty**.

Management software
The T5 comes embedded with new intuitive software for PCs and Macs* to easily set the password and get the latest firmware updates. You can also download the mobile app for Android smartphones and tablets.

Connect with ease
Connect the T5 to an extensive range of devices from PCs, Macs, smartphones and other devices.* The included USB Type-C™ to C cable and USB Type-C to A cable give you seamless connectivity without the hassle of purchasing additional adapters.

Ready anytime, anywhere
Take everything, all your work and entertainment, with you. The Portable SSD T5 gives you simple and efficient access to your massive data so you can complete tasks quickly and on the move. Take along your documents, large-sized photos or videos, and get things done wherever you go.

3. HP Portable SSD P600

Rekomendasi portable SSD, hardisk external SSD, Seagate Ultra Touch, Samsung Portable SSD T5, HP Portable SSD P600

HP portable SSD P600 is a new generation of portable storage device with high performance. It has plug and play feature, realizing high speed transmission anytime and anywhere. HP Portable SSD P600 was born to realize more efficient portable storage, which adopts high-speed Type-C interface. It features wide compatibility with multiple systems (Windows/MAC/Android), realizing data sharing on multiple platforms and providing up to 560MB/s and 500MB/s read and write performance. HP P600 is a good option of convenient external storage for high-capacity data transmission and backup.

USB3.1 Gen2 High-speed transmission
HP P600 adopts USB3.1 Type-C interface. It is supported with a strong and high-performance SSD core, contributing to reading and writing speed up to 560MB/s and 500MB/s. HP P600 guarantees rapid transmittion and easy backup for high-volume files and important data.

Integrated and compact design
P600 is small and exquisite (thickness is less than 10mm, and only 60g), greatly improving the convenience of portable storage. P600 comes with USB Type C to Type A cable, to create a professional and stylish storage experience.

Unparalleled reliability
The P600 uses 3D NAND Flash that is rigorously tested for durability, to provide higher storage density and capacity than traditional 2D Nand flash. Its LDPC algorithms and error correction mechanism can greatly improve the life and reliability of the drive

Guaranteed data security
The P600 is based on HP’s high-quality core standards for SSDs, and all components have passed advanced and rigorous tests. It has 2 million hours of MTBF (mean time between failures), making for high levels of reliability and long periods of assuring use. HP P600 offers a 3-year limited warranty with HP brand quality assurance.

HP SSD Advantages
With continuously improved storage technology, HP SSD provides customers with the latest storage solution of high performance in the server and consumer market . Compared with HDDs, HP SSD can improve the performance of your entire system, providing: superior performance, improved start-up time, faster application load times, longer battery life, and better vibration resistance. As the leader in the PC industry, HP SSD quality assurance begins at the R & D design stage and continues through the whole production process. Quality is designed into every product in accordance with HP’s corporate philosophy. HP SSD fully supports HP computer DST self-test to ensure the reliability in use. HP has an excellent global network of service outlets to support users with questions about the product. We also offer a toll-free customer support hotline, and you can find more details from our HP website.

Rekomendasi Smart TV 50 inch

1. Samsung 50" Crystal UHD 4K Smart TV TU8000

Rekomendasi Smart TV 50 inch, Samsung, lg, Sharp

Crisp and vivid color expression
Immerse yourself in the picture with a wider range of color. Crystal Display ensures optimized color expression so you can see every subtlety.

Feel the reality of 4K UHD Resolution
4K UHD TV goes beyond regular FHD with 4x more pixels, offering your eyes the sharp and crisp images they deserve. See it like you’re really in the scene.

Powerful picture quality
Picture quality to move you, made possible by a single chip that orchestrates color, optimizes high contrast ratio, and masters HDR.

See the picture, not the TV
A sleek and elegant design that draws you to the purest picture. Crafted with an effortless minimalistic style from every angle and a boundless that sets new standards. You will see only our most immersive cinematic experience ever.

See the stunning detail
High-Dynamic Range levels up bright expression of your TV, so you can enjoy an immense spectrum of colors and visual details, even in dark scenes.

Find a variety of content with one remote
All you need is one remote to discover tons of different kinds of content. From controlling your set-top box to game console, apps, and even live TV.

Change the atmosphere in your room to fit the music
Enjoy music based on your mood everyday by connecting the mobile music via Bluetooth to the Big Screen, first it will analyze then classify the mood of music and displays the content with suitable ambience.

Get what you want just by speaking up
Everything is so much easier with voice control. Now you can quickly access favorite content, get answers, and even control your TV and other connected devices around your home. Just tell it what you want.

Fits with your home ecosystem
Make life more connected. Samsung TV works seamlessly with Amazon Alexa and AirPlay 2.

Clean up the clutter
Samsung UHD offers a neat solution for keeping all your TV cables tidy, hiding them away right in the stand. This helps you reduce your clutter so you can fully enjoy your TV’s beautiful design.

2. LG UN72 50 inci 4K Smart UHD TV

Rekomendasi Smart TV 50 inch, Samsung, lg, Sharp

A true 4K TV for all your entertainment needs
LG UHD TV is made to entertain by making your viewing even better. Movies, sports or games will be presented in true 4K images with vivid colors and fine details. Enjoy more realistic images in a resolution four times Full HD.

Perfect everything you see
This processor removes noise in video and creates sharper colors and contrast. Images in low resolution will be upscaled and reproduced in nuanced 4K quality.

Your All Convenience Hub
LG AI ThinQ intelligence makes life easier. * Natural voice recognition allows you to command and control your Home IoT ecosystem.

Watch content as the creator intended
The processor will automatically turn off the motion smoothing to activate the full motion picture effect. Watch films and other content with creative intent and a cinematic experience that preserves the intent of the creators.

Enjoy all the content closer to reality with high definition
LG UHD TV delivers optimal HDR picture quality with support for major HDR formats including HDR 10 Pro and HLG Pro.

Immerse yourself in the art of sound
Multiple virtual audio channels create a more immersive sound experience. Enjoy the smooth dialogue and sophisticated sound as if you were in the scene.

Unlimited content. Endless fun
Access, the Apple TV app, Netflix, and. Choose from the latest movies, TV shows, documentaries and live sports in one place.

Take full control over without delay
LG UHD TV allows users to fully and quickly control games without delay.

True-to-life colors from all angles
Watch your favorite team play on screens in spectacular realistic colors, no matter where you sit.

Blaring sound for the big game
Create a surround sound effect by connecting two Bluetooth speakers to your LG UHD TV. The match feels more exciting and feel the atmosphere really alive.

Never miss a match
Sports Alert will give you notifications before, during and after the match. Don't worry about missing the big game, even while you're watching something else.

Live smarter with the new webOS
Enjoy more content through streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, and more. Plus the latest voice control features that can be used to control your household electronic devices by voice.

Designed for your space and entertainment
LG UHD TV's sleek bezels and modern touches add a premium design aesthetic to the room and enhance your viewing experience.

Find The Best LG TV To Fill Your Room
Try different LG TV designs and dimensions using the LG TV AR app.

3. Sharp 50" 4K Ultra-HDR Easy Smart 3.0 4T-C50AH1X

Rekomendasi Smart TV 50 inch, Samsung, lg, Sharp

More real contrast
A variety of Aquos TVs have arrived using the latest HDR standards. By incorporating high-light technology, this technology will consistently provide true-to-life bright and dark contrasting colors.

Real color
An upgraded backlight and color panel provide 123% wider color, giving you access to colors that naturally exist in the world. AQUOS TV optimizes realistic tones for the right color.

More real details
The X4 Master Engine Pro II processor allows SD and HD quality videos to be up-converted to 4K resolution, with less blur and more stable image quality.

Bluetooth in and out feature
All the latest Bluetooth features are capable of producing wireless audio broadcasts to your favorite sound device.

The door to global content
YouTube ™ invites you to watch the best videos in just one click. Explore the latest trends around the world with daily recommendations and subscribe to the video channel to stay up to date with the latest videos.

Expand your information collection
Experience using the world's smartest search engine via a web browser to make your search easier. Type anything on the main page and the Google search engine will provide the best match for you, right on your TV.

Easy smart platform
The interface that makes it easy for you.

Rekomendasi Air Purifier untuk keluarga tercinta

1. Sharp FP-J40Y-W

Rekomendasi Air Purifier untuk keluarga tercinta, Sharp, Samsung, Philips, Best Air Purifier

Amazing Air Purification Mechanism
Sharp's breakthrough through Plasmacluster technology has proven effective in preventing viruses and microbes that can pollute the air and make the air clearer and healthier. Plasmacluster technology is also capable of generating and releasing the same positive and negative ions as in nature. After purifying the air, the ions will turn into water and return to the air. Sharp is now continuing to develop new ways for Plasmacluster to be able to bring benefits to life. 

Provides Fresh Air and a Healthy Environment for You 
The positive and negative ions are able to clear up air and make your life more comfortable.

Purifies the Air
Eliminates airborne mold and stops the movement of viruses, bacteria and allergens.

Destroy and eliminate odors that come from cigarette smoke, food odors, to pet odors.

Reducing Static Electricity Energy
Plasmacluster ion is able to reduce static electricity energy, preventing pollen and flying air that can stick to curtains, clothes, and other surfaces.

Beautify Skin
The water molecules produced by PCI will be carried to the surface of the skin, then form a layer that keeps moisture.

2. Samsung AX34R STD Air Purifier with 4 Color Indicator

Rekomendasi Air Purifier untuk keluarga tercinta, Sharp, Samsung, Philips, Best Air Purifier

Visibly Clean Air
Compact yet powerful air purifier that’s ideal for any living space. It purifies and deodorizes the air using a 3-step purification system, and continually monitors and intuitively displays the real time air quality.

Visualize the level of dust
A Dust Sensor detects the amount of dust in real time and its 4-Color Indicator clearly shows the results using an LED light with 4 color variations, so you can instantly tell how pure the air is.

Reduces over 99% of PM2.5
A 3-step purification system keeps the air pure. It extracts large dust particles, such as pollen, deodorizes the air and reduces various harmful gases like formaldehyde* and captures over 99% of ultrafine dusts**.

Easy to maintain
A front-sided air inlet means you don’t need to move it unnecessarily or pull it away from the wall to clean or change the filter. And a washable Pre-filter only needs periodic cleaning and the 2-in-1 PM2.5 and Deodorization filters can be quickly and easily replaced.

Performs effectively
Auto Mode senses the pollution level and automatically adjusts the power to maintain the optimum air quality. Sleep Mode provides a soft and quiet air flow.

Simply safer for children
Designed to prevent any accidental use by children and protect them from harm. A Child Safety Lock makes it impossible to use the controls unintentionally and its round edged shape is safer if children bump into it.

3. Philips Series 1000

Rekomendasi Air Purifier untuk keluarga tercinta, Sharp, Samsung, Philips, Best Air Purifier

Removes up to 99.9% of viruses and aerosols from the air*
Removes aerosols including those containing respiratory virus, from the air which passes through the filter. It also sanitizes the air by removing 99.9% of aerosols from the air that may contain viruses.*

Superior Purification that can be applied to max 63m2 room
Vitashield IPS with its aerodynamic design and NanoProtect Pro Filter has a boosted clean air delivery rate up to 270 m3/hr. It can effectively remove ultra-fine particles as small as 0.02um. Also it filters out harmful gases such as formaldehyde and TVOC.

Special auto-purification mode effectively removes pollution
Indoor PM2.5 levels can increase far above local guidelines because of outdoor pollution or daily activities like cooking, cleaning etc. The smart air sensor can detect PM2.5 levels and boost the air purifier’s speed to deal with the pollution.

Quieter and constant clean air delivery during sleep
Night sensing mode is developed especially for your bedroom; The air purifier rapidly prepares your bedroom air for sleep and constantly monitors your bedroom air quality, delivering clean air while you sleep. The dimmed and/or switched off lights and the low sound help you and your family sleep better.

Healthy air protect alert for filter lifetime with accuracy
The healthy air protect alert lets you know promptly when it is time to replace the filter. If the filter is not replaced promptly, the appliance stops functioning - to avoid ineffective purification. So you are assured of healthier air always.

Real-time air quality feedback
The color ring on dashboard provides a clear view on air quality by 4-step color, ranging from blue (good allergen & particle level) to red (bad allergen & particle level).

Certified or tested by ECARF and Airmid

Touch UI with display

Child lock prevents unintended changes in settings

Advanced NanoProtect Filter delivers all-around protection
The extra thick NanoProtect HEPA is designed for superior purification efficiency and lifetime against airborne particles.